Lisa’s Transformational Journey with Relationship Center for Change

Lisa’s Transformational Journey with Relationship Center for Change

The Relationship Center for Change finds purpose in the profound and positive impacts our programs have on our participants. Lisa Farland’s testimonial is a testament to the life-changing potential of our DreamBuilder program, facilitated by our compassionate coach, Joan Menke Butler. Lisa’s journey encapsulates the essence of what we strive to achieve: helping individuals find direction, confidence, and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives.

Lisa began her journey with us feeling frustrated and uncertain about her future. She was experiencing difficulties in her job, feeling depressed and anxious, and struggling to find a clear direction despite being in therapy. It was during this challenging period that she joined our DreamBuilder program.

As Lisa shares in her testimonial, the program arrived at a crucial juncture in her life. The structured weekly lessons and homework, reinforced by Joan’s consistent support, provided Lisa with the tools and encouragement she needed to start implementing the concepts she was learning into immediate practice. She noticed a shift in her mindset from the very first session, with her thinking already beginning to change.

A significant part of Lisa’s transformation was learning to redirect her energy in a positive direction. She realized she did not want her energy flowing negatively any longer. Within a few weeks, Lisa’s confidence started to return, and she began to believe in herself once again. The program helped her to reconnect with her inner voice, the still small voice that had been urging her to write her memoir for ten years.

With Joan’s support through the DreamBuilder program, Lisa found the courage and clarity to pursue her passion for writing. She came to understand that she deserved happiness and fulfillment and that she was worth investing in herself.

Lisa’s testimonial is a powerful reminder of the impact that dedicated coaching and structured personal development programs can have. At the Relationship Center for Change, we are honored to have been part of Lisa’s journey towards a more confident, purposeful, and fulfilling life. Her story is an inspiration to all who seek to transform their lives and realize their dreams.

We are grateful to Lisa for sharing her experience and proud of the positive changes she has achieved. Her journey is a beacon of hope for anyone feeling lost or stuck, demonstrating that with the right support and commitment, transformative change is possible.

Click here to learn more about the DreamBuilder program!