This Testimonial Highlight Reel showcases the transformative journeys of some of our clients as they share their personal experiences working with Joan Menke Butler, our Certified Coach & Life Mastery Consultant.
Joan has helped people worldwide unlock their full potential, design lives they love, and achieve their dreams with confidence and clarity. In this highlight reel, you’ll hear directly from clients about how Joan’s coaching has provided them with the tools to create goals, find purpose, and live proactive, fulfilling lives.
I worked with Joan on and off for over 7 years. She has been a great support in my life and has helped me make changes to my life I thought at one time not possible. I recently completed her DreamBuilder coaching program which was excellent. Like any program you get out of it what you put into it. I have seen positive change in areas of my life I wanted to work on. I know even more is possible if I continue to make time to work on this program. I highly recommend this 12-week program to anyone who wants help making their dreams become reality.
I recently completed the 12-week DreamBuilder Program led by Joan. I have been amazed at the progress I’ve made in this program. I always thought intensive months-long talk therapy, and difficult, painful confrontations with family members would be necessary for me to move on from past hurts and break free of old, constricting patterns; but this program taught me the tools of forgiveness, enabling me to move on from those wounds that I had let define and constrain me for so long. I feel so much more freedom now. The anxiety that sometimes prevented me from leaving the house has eased. I am more tuned in to the still, small voice of my intuition. My increased focus is helping to grow my podcast, and my positivity is strengthening my personal relationships. Each day that I follow the program and do the tools, I experience a more expansive life, with a more open and trusting heart, believing for the first time that my dreams can and will come true.
Follow your dream that is the only way you end up where you belong\’94 that\’92s what I wrote in our daughters Yearbook at the end of her High school years. This has been my philosophy for a long time, but little did I know that 18 years later I will participate in a DreamBuilder workshop with Joan.
I had just retired and enjoyed a lot of quality time at home. I did not realize in the beginning how much time I needed to go through the weekly exercises, to contemplate, meditate and reflect. I feel fortunate to have had the time needed to participate in the DreamBuilder program.
Joan was a wonderful coach guiding me through the steps, and confirming that I was on the right track, even if I had doubts at time or were not sure if I am doing a good job. I discovered the deeper meaning and that it had nothing to do with doing a good job. I learned even more to listen to my intuition and not to second guess myself. My first thoughts often guided me towards the right direction.
After I did the DreamBuilder class, I continued on with LifeMastery. It took me a while to realize that the LifeMastery class was more internal work of the heart and soul. Going from DreamBuilder to LifeMastery was a transition from head/heart to heart/soul. I felt that LifeMastery was more challenging because of that. It is always easier to go to school and do your homework as you are asked to do, but the challenge begins when you graduate from school and have to face life and work with your own life patterns and inner challenges.
I am grateful to have had the opportunity to do this class with Joan. She was so supportive, and in a gentle and kind way guided us through the process. Joan is very professional and personal. She always answered all my questions or concerns.
This program works!!! I was a miserable human being a short year ago. I poured myself into these teachings and have completely transformed my life, my thinking, and my dreams. I no longer feel like a victim of my life, but the master of it. I left a job that I despised and have created a new career for myself full of love and appreciation. I am so grateful for finding Joan, and doing this program with her. Thank you, Joan!!!!!
Joan offered the 6 month Life Mastery program after I completed the 3 month DreamBuilder. I wondered what else could I learn but decided to take it. I have been in quite a few programs over the years and thought I knew it all! However, this was enlightening and inspirational. Not only did I set goals and intentions but I was accountable to the other participants and that made it even more rewarding. We learned from one another. The best part is that 6 months in I achieved a goal that I thought would not accomplish.
When talking with Joan, I’ve experienced her to be kind, compassionate and insightful! I appreciate her commitment to improving people’s lives by helping them develop healthy relationships. I would recommend her as a person and a professional.
The Relationship Center for Change will help you make the changes you want to make in your relationship and in your life! Joan and her associates are caring, kind and compassionate and dedicated to helping their clients improve their lives. I would highly recommend them without reservation!
I am currently in my 3rd Life Mastery course with Joan and am grateful every day that I came across her website. I felt lost and stuck, and could not figure out my next steps in any arena of my life. In working with Joan I have not only been able to see the past more clearly and let go of judgements, but I have learned how to access the confidence, strength and vision inside myself. These courses have helped me learn to trust myself and the universe and have helped me identify my goals and move forward towards reaching them. I highly recommend working with Joan, my time with her has absolutely changed my life.