The Power of the Pivot

The Power Of The Pivot

Embracing Life’s Transitions with Strength and Grace

Life has a way of nudging us into new chapters, often unexpectedly. Some transitions may feel bittersweet, others like a deep wound. Whether you’re stepping into a new reality by choice or circumstance, you’re not alone in this journey.

VIP Program by Joan Butler

VIP Coaching Program

The Highest Level Program

What You Will Learn:

This is for those who are ready to take a bold step in the direction of your dreams. I acknowledge you for siding with the part of you that wants to move forward in creating a life you love living.


Over the next 48 weeks, we will work on creating a vision you are in love with, and over-coming your limiting paradigms to help you achieve your goals. This means I will help you connect with your vision at a deeper level where you begin to embody your goals.


We will be working together once per week. Our weekly appointments will be at the designated time we both mutually agree upon. We will meet by phone each week between 30 to 45 minutes (pacific time).


Each week you will be assigned one audio to listen to, as well as some “life work” to complete prior to our appointments. I will provide you with the recordings and the “life work” by sending you a physical kit or e-kit. During our meetings we will discuss the key takeaways from the lessons, and how they apply to you. I encourage you to take notes while you do your weekly homework.


This is an opportunity for you to get in touch with your longing and discontent, to help guide you to what you truly want in your life. You will grow through this Life Mastery Program. One of the clear signs of growth is when your paradigms begin to emerge and make themselves known. Paradigms often express themselves in the form of fear, doubt and worry. Paradigms will also sneak up on you in the form of Distraction and Dissuasion. This means you may find yourself either putting off doing your work, or not coming to our appointments, or making up excuses as to why now is not the right time to be working on yourself.


I mention this because I know it to be true. I have gone through it myself. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. It is very human to have these emotions, but I know you are worthy of your dreams, and I encourage you to stay the course during our time together and do not fall back into old patterns that resist your personal growth. I am here to support you through this journey.

First: Life Mastery is 6-month deep dive into achieving success in ALL areas of your life. This content is based on more than 40 years of research into the art and science of personal success. You now have access to the most powerful and innovative process available today for quickly and permanently transforming your dreams into your reality! In Life Mastery you will crystalize your goal into a powerful vision, install your vision at the deepest levels of your mind and harmonize your vision with the natural laws of the Universe. You will immediately see the benefits of the Life Mastery program take shape in your life!

The Life Mastery Program provides you with all the skills you need to create a life you truly love living including weekly live calls, a complete workbook to deepen your study and audio meditations.

We will begin your Life Mastery program by focusing on the area of Intention. Transformation requires that we think differently. Throughout this month, you will develop a consciousness of abundance, expand your awareness of what’s possible, form an image in your mind of what you want to create and create a new norm.

Next, we will invest a month focusing on the area of Health. You will work towards an understanding of what it means to be more in alignment with where your true sense of well-being originates. You can then begin to live more in harmony with that. You will practice being in a healthy alignment with your authentic self.

The following month we will discuss the topic of Abundance. We live in an abundant Universe that is always seeking expansion through you. Because you are seeking more in your life, Life itself is seeking expression through you. During this month, we will learn more about how to live in harmony with the Law of Abundance that is at work in the Universe.

We will then invest a month exploring Manifestation. Everything is created twice. We all know this, but we may not know the power of this. We have been given the capacity to do great things. This month is about looking at and then developing our capacity to manifest what we choose. You don’t get a choice about whether you are a manifestor. You ARE a manifestor. This month we will focus on how to be a conscious manifestor who manifests by design instead of default.

Moving along, we will also focus one month on Mastery in Love. Our relationships are the most important commodities in our lives. Our relationships with the infinite, others, and with ourselves need to be explored and nurtured.

And finally, during the month of Transformation, we will focus on the experience of going beyond one form of experience of life into another. In order to experience Transformation, we must get in harmony with how the universe works. As we move into the month of Transformation, you will choose one area of your life where you particularly want to experience Transformation.

Next, Working with the Law: Over 12 weeks, we take an in-depth study of Raymond Holliwell’s book, Working with the Law. The 11 spiritual principles you will study will allow you to create the life you truly desire.

Then, Into Your Genius: During this next 12 weeks you will discover and explore how to unlock the six powerful mental faculties that you already possess. This course offers a very structured and careful process which, when followed, will bring forth amazing results! You will learn key points and principles, and then follow them up with specific action steps. Get ready for exciting new opportunities to open up for you!

What You Will Receive:

Weekly, live transformation calls with Master Coach Joan Menke Butler, Our weekly appointments will be at the designated time we both mutually agree upon. We will meet by phone each week between 30 to 45 minutes Pacific time.


  • A weekly mindset audio to train your mind and prepare for your weekly transformation call
  • Recordings of every live call uploaded to your private member site
  • Lifetime access to all of your materials on your private member site
  • Daily practices that will help you feel motivated and inspired each and  every day and keep you moving forward
  • And so much more


These programs are a proven, reliable, repeatable system of inevitable transformation. The greatest success happens over time.


Create a strategic vision and step-by-step plan to achieve the measurable results you desire.


Learn how to be congruent with your authentic vision for quantum growth.


These programs and coaching help you to:


  • Align your core values with your deepest desires and vision,
  • Get Joan’s business and life expertise and coaching to move your vision from just a dream, to real world results.
  • Weekly accountability on your action items so you are consistently motivated, supported and moving forward on your dream.


These programs help you stay focused, and not get distracted by life’s circumstances and situations so you can live your dream now.


If this is your year to make a quantum leap in your life, VIP is for you.


Get started by filling out the form below to schedule an appointment!

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